Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sew much has been happening I haven't had a chance to add to my blog. I've been busy getting my business up and running better. I repair sewing machines now and I've got my own website, too,  There's a link on it that points to my etsy shop if you'd like to buy something, check it out.

I also signed up for a Judy Niemeyer class to make the mariners compass quilt.

I am calling it Stormy Beach Moonrise. One night at 3:00 in the morning me and my honey were picking up clams off the beach after a real bad storm. I looked up and noticed an orange glow in the sky. It wasn't a plane because it wasn't moving. And then it was getting brighter.  Freaky!  On the horizon it looked like the sun was coming up, but it was only 3 in the morning! Then, the clouds parted to reveal a huge orange moon. It was unbelievable! When I saw this quilt I immediately thought of what we had seen that night and have based the colors on that. Stay tuned to see more of the Stormy Beach Moonrise.