Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sew much has been happening I haven't had a chance to add to my blog. I've been busy getting my business up and running better. I repair sewing machines now and I've got my own website, too,  There's a link on it that points to my etsy shop if you'd like to buy something, check it out.

I also signed up for a Judy Niemeyer class to make the mariners compass quilt.

I am calling it Stormy Beach Moonrise. One night at 3:00 in the morning me and my honey were picking up clams off the beach after a real bad storm. I looked up and noticed an orange glow in the sky. It wasn't a plane because it wasn't moving. And then it was getting brighter.  Freaky!  On the horizon it looked like the sun was coming up, but it was only 3 in the morning! Then, the clouds parted to reveal a huge orange moon. It was unbelievable! When I saw this quilt I immediately thought of what we had seen that night and have based the colors on that. Stay tuned to see more of the Stormy Beach Moonrise.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My new machine is working out great to sew my puffy pillows together for my puff quilt.  I had to change the needle to a much smaller and shorter one. So that threw off the timing and the tension was set so tight that it was cinching up the fabric. Even the bobbin was winding so tight. I always have to reset everything when I bring home a new industrial. The real test will be when i go to sew a banner using nylon fabric and zigzag as fast as i can go.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Bad Machine

My used Juki machine I use for making flags and banners.  Broke a needle, seemed okay, but making the last of 3 banners, it started acting up, breaking thread.  Sanded down a few spots, reset the timing....still breaking thread, reset timing, skipping stitches, and on and on and on.  Finally after many hours of struggling with it I finally got it to sew, no skipped stitches, no breaking thread.  I think my hook is worn down and needs to be replaced.  That's what you get when you buy someone's old machine.  There's worn down parts, a spring is broken, not sure if that is causing any problems, it leaks oil down the needle bar, can't figure out why, I think it's getting too much oil fed to that area but don't see any adjustment for it.  I am buying a brand new industrial machine finally, hope I'm doing the right thing.  Not sure what to do with this one, may refurbish it to sell.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Brad's Bear Paw

Done with Moda_Holly Taylor Classic, I scored a package of fat quarters on a clearance rack.  Added some more Moda.  Got it done for a Christmas present to Brad to go with his bear head.  He didn't save the claws so now he can sleep with the bear paw.