Friday, March 1, 2013

Bad Machine

My used Juki machine I use for making flags and banners.  Broke a needle, seemed okay, but making the last of 3 banners, it started acting up, breaking thread.  Sanded down a few spots, reset the timing....still breaking thread, reset timing, skipping stitches, and on and on and on.  Finally after many hours of struggling with it I finally got it to sew, no skipped stitches, no breaking thread.  I think my hook is worn down and needs to be replaced.  That's what you get when you buy someone's old machine.  There's worn down parts, a spring is broken, not sure if that is causing any problems, it leaks oil down the needle bar, can't figure out why, I think it's getting too much oil fed to that area but don't see any adjustment for it.  I am buying a brand new industrial machine finally, hope I'm doing the right thing.  Not sure what to do with this one, may refurbish it to sell.

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